Saturday, August 3, 2013

He's Got the Heart of a Lion. He caught it Himself

So where we live has a large deer population. Yoshi has taken it upon himself to patrol the area at night to guard against them. Never mind they are easily ten times his weight, he's going after them. To protect me, of course.

He never tries to hurt the deer, just send them on their way. Just the same, I take him out on a leash at night, for Bambi's protection, of course.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's the Little Guy with the Beard

It's not like they change the date every year or anything, but the holidays have a way of sneaking up on me. I was chatting with a friend and Yoshi fan, when I realized I hadn't updated this blog in a while. Please enjoy the glut of photos. And maybe the little guy's resolution for next year won't be to look away every time I point a camera at him!

On behalf of Her Majesty, the Empress 'Neko, and Yoshi the Wonder Dog, please have the best new year until next year.
You rang?

Treat time!

Grumpy Cat? Please.

I'm a good boy...

Good Morning


You are getting sleeeeppppyyy...

No pictures, please

See? The answer is right here.

The Farmer in the Dell

But I really want to direct.

The sand is not as good as a sandwich.

Westward ho!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mission Accomplished

Any groomer appointment you can walk away from is a good one.

It's Not a Groomer

Bless my little guy. He's the best dog ever, in my humble estimation, but he hates the groomer. Chalk it up to a bad experience as a puppy, but it's his kryptonite. Fortunately, in the right hands, the job gets done. As a schnauzer, grooming isn't an option, so I value the folks who get it right. After pics to follow.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

By Popular Request

I had let this blog go by the wayside. I have had requests to start it back up again. Who am I to turn such things down. Let the fun commence!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Can't Make This Up.

Yoshi and Sakura the Chahuahua
So, we know Yoshi is a dog.  This was confirmed by the veterinarian and everything.   His best buddy is a cat.  This is also confirmed by the veterinarian.  Somehow, they got the whole species thing confused.  They spend their day chasing each other.  Normal enough for a cat-dog living arrangement, but they like to trade off.  Dog chases cat, then cat chases dog.  Cat jumps on dog's back and chews on neck.  Dog flips cat on back and proceeds to eat the cat's head.  This will go on all day. No blood is shed, but they are covered in dog/cat slobber.

Not only do they have their own identities confused, they don't seem to care.  They are just friends having a good time.

It should always be like that.