Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Can't Make This Up.

Yoshi and Sakura the Chahuahua
So, we know Yoshi is a dog.  This was confirmed by the veterinarian and everything.   His best buddy is a cat.  This is also confirmed by the veterinarian.  Somehow, they got the whole species thing confused.  They spend their day chasing each other.  Normal enough for a cat-dog living arrangement, but they like to trade off.  Dog chases cat, then cat chases dog.  Cat jumps on dog's back and chews on neck.  Dog flips cat on back and proceeds to eat the cat's head.  This will go on all day. No blood is shed, but they are covered in dog/cat slobber.

Not only do they have their own identities confused, they don't seem to care.  They are just friends having a good time.

It should always be like that.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Bombs Bursting in Air...

Like many dogs (and people), poor Yoshi had an issue with 4th of July fireworks, and thunder, and loud noises in general.  At one point, the veterinarian had to prescribe sedatives.   

I knew there it had to be a better way.  It took time, as this fear was (at least in part) due to the conditions he grew up in, but as he became more socialized, and as he became more trusting in me as the pack alpha, he became more relaxed and less anxious.  He didn't have to be the one to take care of everything.

Photo credit:
He still barks when people come to the door (good), and stops eventually (although we're working on it).  He also barks when people come up to my patio, which faces the street (very good), but is calm when out for a walk.  I was very proud of him when we went out for a walk at dusk, with fireworks going off, and other people with dogs out for a walk.  He stayed calm and happy, more interested in smells than the noise and confusion.  Seeing him like this, instead of the scared puppy he used to be, makes me very happy.

Happy Fourth of July! Freedom from fear is a great thing.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"I Ain't no Cassinova..."

Ahhh, Yoshi.  I can't go anywhere without him attracting attention.

There is a local Starbucks with a drive through.  Whenever I go there with Mr. Smooth in the car, all the barristas have to crowd the window, getting all gaga over the little guy.  They'd even go so far as to ply him with dog biscuits ( but they wouldn't want to break any health codes, of course...).

It has gotten to the point that any time we pull up to anything, he's got to see who's there to fuss over him.  This cause some issues at the Garden State Parkway (but even then, the toll taker thought he was utterly charming).

So, what's a girl to do, but resign herself to hanging out with the most charming little guy ever??

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Before and After

Yoshi Before
Yoshi is a very good dog.

His week spot in an otherwise faultless behavior resume is his trips to the groomer.  I think he had a bad experience along the way.  Unfortunately, no one is talking.

Yoshi After
He was getting on speaking terms with his old groomer, but she left the shop to go back to school.  Here are the before and after pictures from his new groomer.  He looked very happy afterwards.  I think we have a keeper.